Experience the Denis Rodman Activity the Art of the Metaphoric Speech. Explore the MEAP tab and review the MEAP rubrics for Writing. Explore the MME tab and review the ACT Writing Rubrics.

Reflect on the similarities and differences between the writing expectations on the MEAP and MME.

Explore the Learning to Write Module. Select one tool from this module and implement the strategy in your classroom. Describe how you used the strategy. Reflect on how the lesson went with your students.

Read the 11 Elements of Effective Writing Instruction, what elements are you currently using in your classroom?
How might you use the American Rhetoric Website in your classroom?

Explore the the Writing to Learn Module. Reflect on how you use Writing to Learn (journals and blogs in your classroom). 

Read the article Writing in the 21st Century, complete the Reflective Prompt, and create a Delicious Account. Once you have created your Delicious Account, share your user name with the group.